Hey there—I'm Daniel.

I'm a self-taught, senior full-stack engineer who is passionate about the intersection of engineering, design, and business in building world-class software.

I have 9+ years experience, including 3+ years leading large-scale, complex web apps.

If you're looking for someone who produces high quality work, is reliable, and is skilled across the board, you've found the right guy.

01 — Skillset

As an individual with diverse interests and experience, I've developed a broad, yet deep skillset as a web developer.


As someone who loves the art of software development, I have a passion for writing robust, clean, and maintainable code.

I strive to follow best practices and use industry-standard tools, including TDD, linting, Git, lint-staged, and more.

Although I have a wide range of experience, the technology I prefer includes React.js, TypeScript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Go, and Python.

I'm experienced with DevOps and have launched many projects myself from scratch. Setting up repos, tweaking build configs, and deploying projects are very familiar to me.

Front-end development
React.jsTypeScriptJavaScriptNext.jsGatsby.jsTailwind CSSStyled ComponentsHTML/CSS/SCSSApolloReduxReact NativeExpoJestReact Testing LibraryCypress
Back-end development
PythonDjangoPostgreSQLMySQLGraphQLRESTtRPCGoNode.jsStripe API
LinuxDockerVPS (DigitalOcean, Linode)NetlifySentryCMS (Ghost)AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Design sense

I've developed a strong sense for elegant design and fluid user experiences. I've studied the core fundamentals, designed many projects myself, and understand its importance in building great products.

Business insight

Through my education and experience as an entrepreneur I've attained a strong understanding of business. This includes completing a Diploma of Business with The Entourage—Australia's leading educational institution for entrepreneurs.

02 — Values

In addition to the technical, design, and business skills required to produce world-class software, I'm also a well-rounded and valuable team player.


As a self-taught engineer since 17 years old, I love what I do. This enthusiasm ensures I consistently hold my work to the highest standard.


I'm creative, meticulous, take my time, and enjoy building software properly. My holistic approach ensures I treat all tasks equally.


I'm kind and have excellent communication skills, which makes working together easy. I respect others' time and feedback.


I'm a confident decision maker who takes responsibility for a project's success, both as a leader or team member.


I have an innate and refined concentration ability, which enables me to efficiently complete all tasks to an excellent standard.


I love learning and dedicate myself to my craft. I always seek growth over comfort in the pursuit of mastery.


I take initiative and persevere through challenges until completion. You can count on me to steer your project towards success.


I'm an original thinker who is comfortable with change. I desire expansion and never hesitate to grow beyond my preconceptions.

03 — Showcase

In addition to behind-the-scenes proprietary work for clients, here's a few of the many projects I've worked on over the years.



I was the lead front-end engineer at Phidata, where I spearheaded their web app for monitoring and managing AI apps. Initially the front-end was in very poor shape and I was hired to take charge. Within a few months I completed and launched the MVP, which was also crucial for enabling the next round of VC funding. I redesigned the web app from scratch to give it the aesthetic edge it needed to succeed, and also rewrote most of the codebase to improve maintainability, performance, and security–especially as the users and size of the team scales.

Next.js 14React.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSshadcn/uiRadix UIVercelFramer MotionStripeFormikyupNextAuth.js

CodeFish Studio


During my time at CodeFish Studio, I successfully learned React Native on the job. I worked on multiple IoT mobile apps, including leading the majority of the "Foil Drive" React Native app, which was successfully launched on iOS and Android. Additionally, I worked on many other projects with various technologies, such as improving the performance of a very slow Node.js back-end by ~500%. I also successfully completed my AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification.

React NativeReact.jsNext.jsNode.jsTypeScriptJavaScriptCypressPHPPostgreSQLIoTAWS

Reddit Clone


After learning the T3 stack, I built this simple Reddit clone with Next.js. It includes functionality for authentication, creating posts, nested commenting, and voting.

Next.js 14React.jsNode.jsPrismatRPCMySQLTypeScriptTailwind CSSshadcn/uiZodClerkVercel

Vision Quest


This is a simple vision board creator I built for personal use, after never finding one that met my needs. It uses Gatsby to generate a static site from images on the user's file system. It's a powerful and fun tool for instilling motivation and inspiration for one's goals in all areas of life. I released it as an open source project, so anyone can use it for free.

React.jsGatsbyTypeScriptTailwind CSSEmotion Styled Componentstwin.macroProgressive Web App



I was the lead front-end engineer at Cannabit, where I designed and developed their MVP web app tailored for medical cannabis patients. This project involved crafting a responsive, user-friendly interface that simplifies processes for patients, practitioners, suppliers. My role encompassed the entire front-end, and also included working closely with the back-end team to ensure the API was on point.

React.jsNext.jsTypeScriptApolloGraphQLEmotion Styled Componentstwin.macroTailwind CSS



Vero automates the leasing process. With over tens of thousands of properties, I was the lead front-end engineer who developed most of the core framework for their redesigned web application. I worked closely with the design and back-end team, directed the front-end team, and played a major role in engineering decisions.

React.jsReduxredux-sagaEmotion Styled ComponentsAnt DesignJestReact Testing LibraryaxiosFormikRESTPythonDjangoPostgreSQLMJML

My Portfolio


An appealing home for my life's work was needed, so I designed one. Since learning and falling in love with React, I decided to use Gatsby: a static site generator using React and optimised for the modern web.

GatsbyReact.jsSassPostCSSTwitter BootstrapNetlifyGraphQL

Antun Debak's Portfolio


After a failed attempt working with another developer, Antun approached me looking for someone capable of building his portfolio he designed. Using the provided design files I worked closely with him to successfully achieve his vision. The site features an elegant design with smooth animations.

SassHTMLTwitter BootstrapjQuery



Whilst solo-travelling across Canada, I witnessed the extreme disparity between the supply and demand of homes in Whistler. The platforms used to find homes were terrible, so I developed an elegant solution with great success. The project was featured in the media, with hundreds of users, and exceptional feedback.

DjangoPythonPostgreSQLTwitter BootstrapjQueryMailgun APIDigitalOcean



THIRTY4 develops bespoke software for clients; primarily large enterprise companies. I was a full-stack engineer working on large-scale web apps; their in-house FOUR application; designing and developing sites for small businesses; and developed tools to automate painstaking tasks for the team's efficiency.

PHPSymfonyHTMLCSSJavaScriptjQueryTwitter Bootstrap

Devarity Game Store


In addition to being my first business venture, Devarity was also the project where I taught myself to code. Working alongside a front-end and back-end developer I hired, I assembled the pieces together, wrote tweaks and new features, and both deployed and administrated the site.

PHPMySQLHTMLCSSTwitter BootstrapjQueryStripe APIMailgun APIOpen Exchange Rates APILinode

04 — My story

Learn more about who I am and why I love what I do.

My journey as a developer

Ever since I was a child I've been obsessed with building things. I'd spend hours enamored by whatever mechanical contraption grasped my interest. Today coding satiates my desire to work with elegant, dynamic systems with real-world applications.

I find designing and developing robust systems extremely satisfying. Excellent quality is something I take pride in and strive to achieve in all my work.

As a self-taught developer I've learned through real-world experience, with the assistance of video tutorials, documentation, articles, and books. It's been a very rewarding challenge.

More about me

Besides programming and working on my own projects, I love to spend time with my amazing wife and our sassy cat Nina. We spend a lot of our time in nature and living a down to Earth lifestyle.

My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is INTJ, so I find myself asking endless questions, pondering life's mysteries, and inventing solutions for problems I encounter to soothe my analytical mind.

I'm passionate about many things, such as cooking organic food, meditation, reading, calisthenics, and travelling. I have an adventurous spirit and love to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone in my daily life.

Favourite quotes

  • “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”Nikola Tesla
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.”Wayne Gretzky
  • “If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”Mahatma Gandhi

05 — References

Don't take my word for it. Here's what people I've worked with have said about me.

Matt McGillivray

Founder @ CalmGCP, ThatWasPro, and Sub50k

Working with Daniel was a relief—he contacted me after another freelancer had failed to meet the agreed outcomes. Daniel was confident in his approach, but also produced the goods, and kept communication up the whole time. Recommended.

Yashua Savage

CTO @ InboundAV

We had a fairly complex React/API project that we were short staffed on. We required an experienced dev that would work with our senior engineers and require no hand holding. Daniel hit the ground running and his strong experience, clear communication, and meticulous test driven approach were evident from the start. We would most definitely work with Daniel again.

Lou Baugier

Founder and CEO @ VERO Technologies

Daniel was a faithful employee at VERO Technologies for over a year. He served as an Engineer during his tenure and was a remote employee, residing in Australia. He is reliable and a talented programmer who I would recommend to any business seeking his services.

Antun Debak

CPO & Designer @ MVP Workshop

It was a pleasure working with Daniel on numerous website development projects. His attention to details and dedication to the project specification and establishing collaborative processes with design teams is something that rarely can be seen nowadays.

He always went one step above expectations and has delivered nice looking, working and documented code, but also was there to say no to unreasonable or unfeasible requirements.

I would recommend Daniel to anyone who’s looking for a freelance front-end engineer, he’s a rare catch worth getting in touch with.

Jake Press

Managing Director @ THIRTY4

I am pleased to offer a formal recommendation for Daniel. In addition to adding value to the team, he also exhibited numerous qualities and skills that any employer will find valuable, such as:

  • Punctual, reliable and consistent
  • High level of attention to detail
  • Team orientated
  • Strong positive attitude

Succinctly, I am confident Daniel will be a positive addition to any team.